Linkage Lubrication: A Motorcycle Maintenance and Suspension Maintenance Overview

  1. Motorcycle Maintenance
  2. Suspension Maintenance
  3. Linkage Lubrication

Maintaining a motorcycle is an important task that requires attention to detail and regular upkeep. Linkage lubrication is an essential part of the maintenance process, as it helps to keep the suspension and other components running smoothly. In this article, we will provide an overview of linkage lubrication and its importance for motorcycle maintenance and suspension maintenance. Linkage lubrication is a key component of any motorcycle's suspension system. It helps to reduce friction and wear on the suspension components, allowing them to operate more efficiently and safely.

Proper lubrication also helps to keep the suspension system running smoothly, which is important for maintaining a comfortable ride. Furthermore, it helps to reduce the likelihood of expensive repairs or replacements down the road. In this article, we will explore the basics of linkage lubrication and how it affects motorcycle maintenance and suspension maintenance. We'll discuss why linkage lubrication is important, what type of lubricants are recommended, and how to properly apply lubricants to your motorcycle's suspension components. We'll also provide some tips on how to inspect and maintain the linkage system for optimal performance. Linkage lubrication is an essential part of motorcycle and suspension maintenance.

It is the process of applying a lubricant to the various linkages and components of the suspension system, which helps to ensure that the parts move freely and do not suffer from damage due to lack of lubrication. Without proper lubrication, the suspension system can become damaged, resulting in a less comfortable ride and costly repairs. Therefore, it is important to understand the process of linkage lubrication and how to properly apply and maintain the lubricant.

What is linkage lubrication?

Linkage lubrication is the process of applying a lubricant to the various linkages and components of the suspension system. The purpose of lubrication is to reduce friction between moving parts, reduce wear and tear on components, increase efficiency, and protect against corrosion.

Linkage lubricants can come in a variety of different forms, including oils, greases, and aerosols.

Why is it important?

Linkage lubrication is essential for the proper functioning of your motorcycle's suspension system. Without the right lubricants, your suspension can become damaged over time, resulting in a less comfortable ride and costly repairs. Additionally, by properly lubricating your suspension system, you can help to ensure that your motorcycle runs more efficiently and has a longer lifespan.

What types of lubricants are used for linkage lubrication?

There are several different types of lubricants that can be used for linkage lubrication. Oils are typically used for lighter applications such as chain links, while greases are better suited for heavier applications such as steering linkages.

Additionally, aerosols are often used for light applications such as pivot points and shock absorbers. It is important to choose the right type of lubricant for each application in order to ensure proper performance.

How do you choose the right lubricant?

When choosing a lubricant for linkage lubrication, it is important to consider the type of application and the conditions in which it will be used. Different types of lubricants are designed for different types of applications and conditions. Additionally, it is important to consider the viscosity of the lubricant, as this will determine how well it will flow through the various components of the suspension system.

Tips for proper application of the lubricant

To properly apply the lubricant, it is important to follow all manufacturer’s instructions.

Additionally, it is important to use a clean cloth or brush when applying the lubricant. This will help to ensure that all parts are properly coated with a thin layer of lubricant.

Maintenance tips for maximizing the lifespan of the lubricant

To maximize the lifespan of your linkage lubricant, it is important to regularly inspect and replace any worn or damaged parts. Additionally, it is important to regularly clean and inspect all parts for signs of corrosion or contamination. If any parts are found to be contaminated with dirt or debris, they should be cleaned with an appropriate solvent before being re-lubricated.

Common mistakes to avoid when applying lubricant

When applying a linkage lubricant, it is important to avoid over-lubricating or under-lubricating parts.

Additionally, it is important to avoid using inappropriate solvents when cleaning parts before re-lubricating them. Finally, it is important to avoid using expired or contaminated lubricants.


Linkage lubrication is an essential part of maintaining your motorcycle's suspension system. By understanding how to choose the right type of lubricant, properly apply it, and maintain it, you can help ensure that your suspension system remains in top shape for years to come.

What is Linkage Lubrication?

Linkage lubrication is the process of adding lubricants to a motorcycle's suspension system in order to reduce friction and wear. It is an important part of maintaining a motorcycle's suspension, as it helps the system to function properly and helps to keep the ride comfortable.

Without the right lubricants, your suspension can become damaged over time, resulting in expensive repairs. There are many different types of lubricants available for use in linkage lubrication. Common examples include synthetic oils, grease, and wax-based lubricants. Synthetic oils are designed to reduce friction and protect against wear, while grease is used to provide a protective barrier between surfaces. Wax-based lubricants are used to protect against corrosion and provide a smooth finish. Choosing the right type of lubricant for your specific suspension system is essential for proper maintenance.

Different types of suspension systems require different types of lubricants, so it's important to consult with a professional or read up on the manufacturer's recommendations before making a purchase. Additionally, it's important to ensure that you are using the correct amount of lubricant for your system, as too much or too little can cause damage.

Tips for Proper Application of Lubricant

When applying lubricant to the linkage of a motorcycle suspension system, it is important to use the right lubricant for the specific job. Different suspension components require different types of lubricants, so it is important to identify which type of lubricant is best for the job. Using the wrong type of lubricant can cause damage and unnecessary wear to the suspension system. Before applying lubricant, make sure to clean off any dirt, grime, or residue that is present on the components.

This will ensure that the lubricant is able to adhere properly and provide maximum efficiency and longevity. When applying the chosen lubricant, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions as to how much should be used and where it should be applied. This will help ensure that the proper amount of lubricant is used and that it is being applied in the correct location. When applying lubricant, it is also important to take safety precautions. Wear protective gloves and safety glasses when handling the lubricant as it may contain chemicals that can irritate the skin or cause eye irritation.

Additionally, make sure to keep any children or pets away from the area when applying lubricant. After applying the lubricant, it is important to clean off any excess that is present on the suspension components. This will help prevent buildup on the components and keep them functioning properly. Use a clean cloth or brush to wipe off any excess lubricant and then follow up with a damp cloth to remove any remaining residue.

Maintenance Tips for Maximizing Lubricant Lifespan

To maximize the lifespan of the chosen lubricant for your motorcycle's suspension system, it is important to maintain it properly. This includes replacing the lubricant at recommended intervals and keeping it clean and free from debris.

Additionally, storing the lubricant properly can help ensure that it remains in good condition. Most manufacturers recommend that lubricants be replaced every few months or after a certain number of miles. Be sure to check your owner's manual for specific instructions, as this will vary depending on the type and age of your motorcycle. Additionally, it is important to inspect the lubricant regularly for signs of contamination or wear.

If you notice any discoloration or sediment in the lubricant, it is best to replace it immediately. Keeping the lubricant free from dirt and debris is also essential for ensuring its longevity. Before applying a new lubricant, thoroughly clean the area with a degreaser and a lint-free cloth. This will help remove any existing grease or dirt that could compromise the effectiveness of the new lubricant. Additionally, be sure to use clean tools when applying the lubricant, as any contaminants can reduce its effectiveness. Finally, it is important to store the lubricant in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

This will help prevent the lubricant from degrading or becoming contaminated. Additionally, be sure to keep any containers of lubricant tightly sealed when not in use.

How to Choose the Right Lubricant

When choosing a lubricant for your motorcycle's suspension system, there are several factors to consider. Synthetic and natural oil-based lubricants can have different properties that may impact the performance of your bike's suspension. As such, it is important to understand the differences between these types of lubricants and select the one best suited for your particular needs. When reading product labels, it is important to look for lubricants that provide adequate protection against wear and tear, as well as those that are resistant to oxidation and corrosion.

Additionally, some products may offer additional benefits, such as anti-foaming or anti-friction properties. It is important to research each product you are considering to make sure it is suitable for your bike's suspension. It is also important to understand the viscosity of the lubricant you select. Motorcycle suspensions require a certain level of lubrication depending on their design and type. If the viscosity is too low or high, it may not provide adequate protection or performance.

The viscosity should also be compatible with the type of suspension you have, so it is important to consult your bike's manufacturer to determine the best type of lubricant for your specific model. Finally, it is important to select a lubricant that has been tested and approved for use in motorcycle applications. This will ensure that the product you choose is designed specifically for use in your bike's suspension system and will deliver the desired results.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to applying the chosen lubricant to your motorcycle's suspension system, it is important to be aware of any potential mistakes that could be made. Improper application of certain lubricants can lead to safety hazards and costly repairs. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the common mistakes to avoid when applying the chosen lubricant.

Using the wrong type of lubricantOne of the most common mistakes when applying lubricants to a motorcycle's suspension system is using the wrong type of lubricant. Different types of lubricants are designed for different applications, so it is important to choose the correct type for your specific needs. For instance, some lubricants are designed for dampers, while others are designed for linkages and pivots. Using the wrong type can result in poor performance and potential damage to the suspension system.

Applying too much lubricant

It is important to use the right amount of lubricant when applying it to your suspension system.

Too little lubricant can result in poor performance, while too much can cause build-up and attract dirt and debris, resulting in clogged components. It is also important to make sure that all parts of the suspension are properly lubricated. Any neglected parts can lead to accelerated wear and tear.

Not cleaning components before lubricating

Before applying lubricant, it is important to clean all components with a degreaser or other appropriate cleaning solution. This will ensure that any existing dirt or debris is removed from the components before the lubricant is applied.

Not cleaning components before lubricating can result in clogged components and poor performance.

Not regularly checking and replacing lubricants

Once you have applied a lubricant to your motorcycle's suspension system, it is important to check on it regularly and replace it when necessary. Over time, lubricants can break down due to heat, moisture, and other factors, resulting in decreased performance. It is important to check on the condition of the lubricant regularly and replace it if needed.

Safety Precautions

When applying any type of lubricant to your motorcycle's suspension system, it is important to take proper safety precautions. Make sure that you are wearing proper protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a face mask.

Additionally, make sure that you are working in a well-ventilated area and that all necessary safety equipment is nearby in case of an emergency. In conclusion, linkage lubrication is an essential component of motorcycle and suspension maintenance. It's important to choose the right type of lubricant for your particular motorcycle or suspension system, and to use it properly and maintain it regularly. Following these tips will help ensure your motorcycle's suspension system is functioning properly and giving you a comfortable ride. When it comes to choosing a lubricant, look for ones that are specifically designed for your type of motorcycle or suspension system.

When applying it, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. You should also remember to inspect your suspension periodically for signs of wear and tear, and to regularly check the lubricant level. Lastly, don't forget to replace any worn out or damaged parts as soon as possible.

Jeremiah Tetter
Jeremiah Tetter

Zombie advocate. General web evangelist. Incurable zombie specialist. Subtly charming coffee nerd. Hipster-friendly coffee buff.